Verb and Adverb

What is verb ? Verb are word that show an action, occurance, or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb.
Kinds : A. Based on its form
B. Based on its position
C. Based on its function
Based on its form
Present Form (Infinitive Form)
Bare Infinitive (V1)
work, eat, sleep
Additional Infinitive (V1 + s/es)
Goes, cries
To Infinitive (To + V1)
To work, to swim
Past Form (V2)
Regular (V1 + d/ed)
Work, cried
Irregular (dictionary)
Ate, went
Participle Form
Present participle (V1 + ing)
Working, singing, cutting
Past participle (V3)
Worked, eaten
To Inf
To V1
Bare Inf
Add Inf
V1 s/es
Past tense
Past Pcp
Present Pcp

Based on its position
Ordinary Verb
Main verb
Every sentence has an ordinary verb
Kinds of ordinary verb
A verb that need an object.
Producing what question ............?
Example :
Ask, bring, buy, cost, get, give, leave, lend, make, offer, owe, pass, pay, play, promise, refuse, say, sell, send, show, sing, take, teach, tell, wish, write, read.
Jay buys Nafis a flower.
                   IO       DO
Sam gives a knife to Ulfa.
                        DO         IO

Notes : IO (Indirect Object) ~> generaly for person
 DO (Direct Object) ~> generaly for  non-person

A verb that no need an object
Example :
Marjan creeps on the floor.
Suzy went to library yesterday.
Auxiliary Verb
Helping verb
can be more than one in a sentence
the position is before ordinary verb
may exist or not in a sentence
Kinds of auxiliary verb:
Primary auxiliary
Does not has a meaningful in the dictionary
Membentuk karakter tenses
Example  ~> Be: is, am, are, was, were, been, being, be.
         Do: do, does, did
         Have: have, has, had
Haryanto is crying
I do not love you
She has slept
Modality auxiliary
Has a meaningful in a dictionary
Membentuk karakter tenses
Example ~> can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, had better, ought to, used to ....(14)
Nafi can climb the banana tree fast.
Emphasize auxiliary
Menyatakan makna sungguh-sungguh
Just enter on the verbal and positiv sentence
Example ~> Do, does (present)
               Did (past)
Sam does hate Jay.
Linking Verb
Linking verb connect the subject with the word that gives information about the subject.
Terdiri dari “be” ~> Adj, Noun, Adv
Is, am, are been, being
Was, were be
Become look
Remain prove
Turn seem
Appear smell
Feel sound
Get stay
Grow taste
Example :
Irfan looks sleepy.
Ulya and Elya are fat.
Basic formula :

Lets identify the sentence bellow!!!
She   is     here
  S  Vord
She   will      be here
  S   Vaux   Vord
She studies here
S      Vord
She    is      studying here
 S    Vaux     Vord
She would  have  been here
  S   Vaux  Vaux Vord
She would   have  studied here
  S   Vaux   Vaux    Vord
She would  have  been  studying here
  S   Vaux  Vaux  Vaux  Vord

Based on positition
Finite Verb
Verb that shows the influence of tenses, person, and number in a sentence or clause.
Example :
Sam is studying English.
Irfan studies English
Infinite Verb
Verb that doesn’t show the influence of tenses, person, and number in sentence or clause.
Example :
Swimming is Arfian’s hobby.
To study English is nice.
Everyone thinks that adverb is formed by verb that has “ly” addition (adv of manner), explain where the event happening  (adv of place), and explain when the event happening (adv of time).  Actually adverb has many kinds. Before i showing to you, i will give you some example of adverb in a story.
Definition :
Adverb is a word that used for explaining AVAS (Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Sentence)
Kinds of adverb :
Based on its meaning
Adverb of manner
Adverb that shows how to do something.
~> meaning : dengan
~> position : final
Adj + ly
Beautiful ~> Beautifully (dengan indah)
           Adj                Adv
Slow ~> Slowly
Patient ~> Patiently
Adj and adv in the same form
Fast    ~>     fast
Cepat ~> dengan cepat
Hard ~> hard
Late ~> late
Adj and adv are different
Good ~> well
Example :
Desi sings a song beautifully.
Dian run fast.
Ade does the duty well.

Adverb of place and direction
Adverb that shows place and direction. Adverb can be started by preposition.
Example :
Here, there, inside, outside, on the table, in the river etc.
Hasbi sits there.
Jay sits on the roof.
Adverb of time
Adverb that shows time.
Kinds :
Difinite time (waktu jelas)
~> now, yesterday, tomorrow, two days ago, etc.
~> position: initial, final
Dian will get married tomorrow.
Indifinite time (waktu tidak jelas)
~> just, soo, already, always, often, seldom. never, ever etc.
~> position: middle
Dian will get married soon.
Intensiying Adverb
Adverb that explain degree and distinguishing.
Adverb of degree
So, too, very, rather, enough
I heve a student. He is very smart.
Adverb of distinguishing
Not, even, just, only, exactly, rarely, barely, etc.
Even Boss agrees this plan.
Just for Elya.
Based on its function
Sentence Adverb
Df: Adverb that explain whole of a sentence.
Parts : Finally
e.g. : Finally, Afriani expresses her feeling.
 Unfortunatelly, she will go.

Explamatory Adverb
Df : Adverb that explain something in details.
Parts : as for example
 Such example
 Namely etc.
e.g. :  I have 4 funny cats, namely Nafi, Marjan, Ulfa, and haryanto.

 Exclamatory adverb
Df : Adverb that the position is in exclamatory phrase
Pola : How + adj/adv + S + V + !
e.g. : How kind Desi is ! (how is exclamatory adverb)

Interogative adverb
Df : question word that asking about adverb.
Parts : where, when, why, how.
e.g. : Why you love me ?

Relative adverb
Def : adverb that has a function as conjunction in a structure of adjective.
Parts : where, when, why, which, that.
e.g. : Akhul lives in the place where Anggun lives.
 (where is relative adverb)

Conjunctive adverb
Def : adverb that has a function as an adverb
Parts : besides, furthermore, also, moreover, likewise = and
 Accordingly, consequently, hance, .... = so
 Nonetheless, nevertheless, .... = but
 Otherwise = jika tidak
e.g. : Desi is very kind, so we love her.
 Desi is very kind, hence we love her.
  (hence is conjunctive adverb)


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